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Jongheon Bae

Jongheon Bae

South Korea

Jongheon Bae is a conceptual project artist based in Daegu, Korea. He spent his childhood in the countryside with mountains and streams, and learned the value of a lyrical life that interacts with nature. He dreamed of becoming a poet and astronomer, but in adolescence, amidst social unrest due to the democratization process in Korea, he wandered around mountain climbing. Then one day, when he was assimilated into a beautiful view from a ridge, he suddenly thought 'I want to be a painter' for the first time.

His early works are based on conceptual art that expresses the types of invisible thinking in text, photographs, videos, and installations. Recently, he is trying to escape from the emptiness and fatigue of conceptual art. In other words, it is the work of restoring the lyricism we have lost and recognizing the aesthetic value. What remains constant throughout his work is compassion for objects alienated from interest. It is that he is taking common objects that everyone encounters in everyday life into a completely different world.

His works are collected in Arko Art Center, Seoul Museum of Art, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Daegu Art Museum.

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