Twenty years back, JJ Valaya stepped into a professional sphere that almost did not exist in India – Modern Fashion. It can therefore be stated that he was privileged enough to be a part of the pioneering group of contemporary Indian fashion designers, the ones who started it all for modern India. A founding member on the Board of Governors of the Fashion Design Council of India (FDCI), and the first official brand ambassador for Swarovski globally, his journey in fashion has been nothing short of the spectacular. Year after year, with the magic of Creativity still continuing to amaze him with its mystical prowess, he continues his tirade among India’s leading fashion gurus and as co-founder of one of its most respected luxury fashion and lifestyle houses, one that has earned him the title of the ‘Czar of Indian Fashion’.
Alongside a successful career in fashion, he had indulged in and fostered an increasing love for the visual arts. Photography to him may have started as a hobby; yet, despite the lack of any formal education or training on the subject, taking pictures for him was increasingly becoming a curious expression of unbridled energy, one that he finally brought forth with his debut show based on Delhi and its feudal past - DECODED PARADOX in 2011; a composition of portraiture that attempts to infuse Art, Fashion and Photography into a series of evocative yet cohesive works. This show formally announced his resolve to embrace the world of fine art as a permanent inseparable part of his journey henceforth and was met with widespread critical acclaim throughout India.