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Six World-Famous Whisky Cocktails You Should Know

17 August 2015

Mankind first discovered alcohol centuries ago but even historians find it difficult to pinpoint exactly when, where and by whom the conversion from ordinary foods to a liquid form of pleasure and goodness was made.

You can’t even begin to imagine how dubious the quality of this first type of alcohol was but, personally, my own curiosity would definitely tempt me to taste it, even if it was only a sip and no more!

It’s no surprise that during all this time, mankind has always tried to disguise alcohol in all its forms, masking its unpleasantness and highlighting its merits where and whenever appropriate. The most common method of doing this is via the ‘cocktail’ of course.

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3 Tips for a Summertime Dram

7 August 2015

The warming, rich flavor of Glenfiddich Single Malt Scotch Whisky may not be first in your mind when you think of a summer drink, but we’re here to let you know that a glass of Glenfiddich is perfect no matter the time of year. During the warm weather months, try these tips to bring out the unique freshness and distinctive fruitiness of our range – creating a crisp, refreshing summer dram.

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